Hillary Pham

map of elmhurst

Demographics & Statistics: HC2

Total Population: 171,186

Zip Code 11354 11355 11358 Average
Median Age 45.5 43.1 44.4 44.3
Median Household Income $40,786 $42,507 $68,848 $50,713
Below Poverty Line 19.84% 21.76% 9.27% 16.96%
Unemployment Rate 4.13% 3.21% 4.38% 3.91%
Less Than HS 30.26 29.18 24.94 28.13

Source: socialexplorer.com

Neighborhood Rankings: HC3

Source: The New York Times

According to Curbed's Walkable Neighborhoods, Flushing is the 101st "most walkable" neighborhood. Within the neighborhood, such as areas within zip code 11358, there is less foot traffic and residents primarily rely on cars or bus service. It was given a 5/5 for “Affordability”, 3 for “Nightlife”, “Cool Factor”, and “Parent Approved”, and 2 for being “convenient enough for friends to actually visit”. In terms of transportation, its residents have numerous options for transportation, including various bus lines, the subway, and the Long Island Railroad available for use.

Data Exploration & Data Analysis: HC7/HC8

Based on the affordable housing data, there are a total of 414 units in Flushing. This includes the housing units that reside within the zip codes: 11354, 11355, and 11358. With a total of five projects, the earliest and project with the most number of apartments called ‘One Flushing’ was built in 2016, followed by a new project leading up to the most recent in 2021. In flushing, the typical space a potential renter might find is a 1 to 2-bedroom unit. Across all Flushing projects, 1-bedroom units make up the majority with ‘One Flushing’ being the sole building that can accommodate 25 renters looking for 3-bedroom units. Visualizing the data with a graph demonstrates a sharp decrease in the number of bedroom units available starting in 2017.

A possible explanation for this occurrence is gentrification in the neighborhood. As a result, fewer new affordable housing projects are being built to accommodate the spaces utilized to develop high-rise developments. Flushing remains one of the several neighborhoods in Queens experiencing the effects of the increasing number of high-rise developments, raising rent prices, and also affecting affordable housing units. In terms of easy access to transportation, Flushing residents have access to the 7-line and multiple bus lines.

Source: Affordable Housing Production by Building

Map: HC10

Below is a map with markers for affordable housing in Flushing.
There are a total 5 affordable housing buildings.