Izzy Tangney

map of elmhurst

Demographics & Statistics: HC2

Total Population: 101,517; Asian: 47%; Hispanic: 41%; White: 9%; Black: 1%; Other/Multiracial: 1%

Neighborhood Rankings: HC3

Elmhurst generally ranks high compared to other neighborhoods. The website Niche places it at the 123rd best neighborhood in NYC and gives it a B+ rating overall. The same site ranks Emhurst highest for nightlife (A+) and lowest for housing (D). DNAInfo declares Elmhurst the 15th best neighborhood for all crime in Queens and Curbed Walkable claims it is the 62nd “most walkable” neighborhood in the city and the 1st in Queens. Finally, Street Advisor ranks Elmhurst as the 32nd best neighborhood in the borough, with an overall score of 6.2 out of 10.

Data Exploration & Data Analysis: HC7/HC8

There are 3802 affordable housing units in Elmhurst, which is defined by postcodes 11368-11370, 11372-11373, 11377, and 11380-11381. Generally, the more bedrooms a unit contains, the less likely it is to be present as an affordable housing option. By far, the most common affordable housing option was an apartment with two bedrooms, followed by one bedroom. A possible reason for this is that fewer bedrooms generally means an apartment is less expensive, but larger families will need more space. Additionally, there was a large spike in projects at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

affordable housing

Map: HC10

Below is a map of affordable housing buildings/projects in Elmhurst.